Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dilamun Cinta

Mandi tak basah, tidur tak lena.. makan tak kenyang...

I want.. if you love me, you'll get it for me... :p

Sunday, January 11, 2009

'Trashy' weekend

It took the stylist at Peek-a-boo (yes, again) an hour to get my hair done, and it took me 20 mins to wash the chemicals off. The result? Worth it!

Since I have been on a tight budget, I figured I should just do my own make up. I thought it looked okay.. for an amateur.. and considering I don't have that many make up & the right tools.. I never thought it could be so easy and fun, I learn mostly through videos posted on youtube..

Well, here's what I did:
1. Clean face and put on some toner & moisturizer.
2. I applied some MAC cream concealer on scars, redness, etc..
3. I mixed a drop of MAC Strobe cream and Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer on my palm and used the foundation brush by Body Shop to apply it to my face.
4. As you can normally see, I have serious dark circles around my eyes so YSL Touche Eclat did wonders on it. I also put some Shadow Insurance gel by Too Faced as eye shadow primer
5. I used Shimmer eye-shadow by Elianto in Shining Grey all over the eye lid and Black Sea on the bottom crease. They only costs RM5 each, and they're surprisingly great! The colors are intensed and smooth. The trick here is to use proper brush - I use MAC 217 to apply the eye color and MAC 210 to blend. Definitely worth the investment, they make any cheap eye shadow look professionally done.
6. Then, I applied some liquid eyeliner, really closely to the lash line. I got mine AGES ago by Body Shop. I have never been good at this, you need to practice!
7. Next, I curled my eye lashes. I have been using THE curler by Shu Uemura. I do not know the difference between this particular one or other cheaper ones but I got it years ago.. Then I put on some mascara, I have this habit of rubbing my eyes so I need a heavy duty one - Semi Permanent Last Tint by Jemma Kidd.
8. Since I was going for a punk-rock look, I need to create dramatic eyes so fake lashes are KEY. Again, I got mine at Elianto, they only costs RM12 :) There are LOTS of videos posted on youtube on how to wear them so go check them out. They're pretty easy once you give it a try!
9. My eyebrows are naturally thin and sparse (ugly, I tell you). So to get that natural color, I use the slanted brush (Body Shop has one, cheaper than MAC) and dark brown eye shadow to shape it.
10. Finally my eyes are now done. Next is to create some glow to my face. I love the blusher I am currently using - Orgasm by NARS. Another cult product, unfortunately not available here.
11. Lastly, I put on some lip color. My lips are quite dark so I normally apply cream base lipstick to mask the dark pigments. This particular product is something I CANNOT live without - Stila Cream Lip color in Pixie

So.. what did I wear? Ah.. here's the fun part :)

Trashy.. hahah.. oh well.. I have ALWAYS wanted to be a rock star and I thought I was ready for a music video :p

T-shirt Dress: Topshop
Full body stocking: i-Socks @ Timesquare (super kinky & trashy store, maybe I'll tell you more about it in my next post)
Ankle Boots: ZARA
Belt: ZARA
Bangles & Rings: Forever 21, H&M

Oh yeah, I played a small part as a 'make-up artist' for our group performance. We (as in them, my team) did a Maori tribal dance. They were awesome! Everyone was synchronized, we had the most organized and identical costume, they or WE? RAWK!!

Me and 1/4 of the team

p/s: Seriously, how can I get rid of those bat-wings and chicken arms??!! THEY PISS ME OFF!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year... Duhh!!

This is me, on NY eve. We went to Hard Rock Cafe. Big Band played. Lagu orang tua. Sucks. Girl singer, OK. 2 other male singers - Sucks, LIKE MAD. They sing like girls. Not cool. Place was crowded. Rimas. I had Aussie burger, tasty. Dress mcm Mulan. Coolness!

I always look sleepy and tired in photos, even on New Year's eve. Blergh.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Punk Chic

I love annual dinners. OK, that shows betapa 'happeninglah' my life.. heheh.. well, like I said I'm reaching 30 this year and I do not take liquid or any form of substance to be enjoying regular parties.. so annual dinners la is the avenue for me to get all dolled/dressed up and be whoever I want to be!

Speaking of annual dinner, ours is coming on Jan 10th. The theme is MUSICAL. THEATRICAL. CULTURAL. blergh.. nak pakai apa? catsuit for CATS? Puteri Gunung Ledang? Screw it. I'm going to be a rock star and represent the PUNK CULTURE. hehe.. dah lamaaaa betul teringin nak jadi rock star. I wish I was born with strong vocals.. boleh la jadi lead singer rock band mcm Shirley Manson ke.. Gwen Steffani ke.. sukanya!!

My inspiration this time would be non other than Mulan Jameela. OK, I have been berangan performing lagu Makhluk Tuhan Paling Seksi.. heheh.. :p suka la lagu tu!! and she's just so HOT!

I found this lace full body suit kat Sg Wang. Tapi too provocative for company sponsored event?

Arghh.. I'm dyinggg to get a pair of gloves like that. Everytime jumpa, either too pricey for one/two-time use or too big for my hands

Those gloves are KILLING me!

I scored a pair of Zebra print dress like this by Martina Pink @ Tangs the other day. Suke.. suke.. :p sama macam Mulan.. yay!

Hm.. excited ni.. I've got my outfit composed and will be doing some major do on my hair. Will post up pics.. Stay tuned!

p/s: Photos taken from her facebook. Yes people, I am a fan! haha..

When I was a little girl

I remember when I was 5-6 yrs old, every single day before pegi kindergarten, I will play my mum's Jane Fonda aerobics tape and followed every step religiously. Masa tu belum pandai menari.. so I considered aerobics tu mcm menari2 la jugak. I have always enjoyed performing when I was little. Suka sangattt perform atas stage. Only my parents are quite conservative so I guess sending me to ballet school was not even an option (yelah, kena pakai seksi2 kan..)

Lepas tu, suka jugak tengok beauty pageant. Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss Tourism, segala jenis Miss la.. tak pernah miss.. sanggup stay up til midnight, sometimes sampai fall asleep depan tv..

Then, another obsession was weddings.. I can still remember those times when I called my mum in the office and asked her to buy me tiered dresses (yes, dah 20+ yrs ada obsession for tiered dresses) sbb ada wedding nak pegi.. so kena dress up.. (masa tu baru 7-8 tahun, dah pandai demand).. dah lepas dress up dgn bow segala (ala2 Blair Waldorf.. heheh), terus semangat pegi wedding and MESTI duduk depan pelamin... konon2 mcm front row seat at fashion shows la kan.. pastu mulut ternganga.. concentrate OK!

Masa kat kindergarten, I used to borrow my maid's make up and put them on my classmates! Bayangkan.. menjerit mak budak2 tu.. baru 5-6 yrs old dah pakai lipstick dgn eyeshadow.. "elok je muka comel2 masa aku hantar pegi skolah tadi, ni dah jadi mcm anak sapa pulak!" hmm... *guilty as charged*

Guess I have been ENJOYING my life as a girl. With all the pretty clothes out there.. make up.. EVERYONE can be beautiful. EVERYONE can be WHOEVER they want to be.. I am turning 30 this year.. YES.. THIRTY but despite all the pressure to get married and make babies and all those BS.. (eh, takdela.. tak BS.. nak jugak kawin).. I am THANKFUL that I was born a girl.. nasib baik aku gila fashion.. so takdela frust sgt dah 30 pun tak kawin2 lagi.. heheh.. sbb nanti dah kawin, priorities will change.. :p so time ni la nak puaskan hati.. kan kan kan!

p/s: Yes, I don't normally talk to strangers.. somehow I now feel more attached to this blog to be able to membebel..