Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I am starting to ask myself the purpose of this blog. I feel like it's starting to appear like a form of self obsession..? Errkk!

I started this blog with the objective of making money. I heard about payperpost from Snazzy and thought I should start doing the same. It's easy money right..? well, not quite. One, I dont have enough readers so why would an advertiser invest in this blog.. second, I am just too lazy to read through the 10000-page of terms & conditions.. Blergh..

After a while it's starting to get quite fun. It gives me a challenge to come up with new look each day, thinking I would be taking pictures and post them on this blog. There have been times when I just feel too lazy to dress up. After all, I am still an IT analyst working for a corporation where fashion does not exist!

Anyhow, however it turns out (after 2 months) I feel quite good about it. Well, while at lasts.

Top: MNG
Studded Patent Belt: Cats Whiskers
Skinny Pants: ZARA
Ankle Boots: ZARA
Marni Inspired Bag: Charles & Keith
Studded Bracelet: Cats Whiskers

I have been obsessed with the punk chic look for quite a while now. The whole outfit could have looked better with deep red nail polish, those polished ponytail and some dark eyeliner. Was just not brave enough to go that far to work..

p/s: I may be more enthusiastic if my photographer is more supportive! >:( oh yeah.. those Chanel triplets were sold at GBP785. I KNEW it was gonna be a HUGE investment!! well.. too late now..


Anonymous said...

lulu.. dont give up writing this blog. bleh gak kak azra dapat fashion tips from u! hehehe ;)

Little Garage Sales said...

ehh.. jgn la ckp mcm tu.. malunyaaa!!