Friday, June 6, 2008

Social Spark

I cannot believe I have posted more than 80 posts since I started in Feb! I really thought blogging is just another phase and will die-out just like my other so-called projects before they even started.

I think this is quite fun although I really want to stop spending so much time in front of the computer due to ergonomics issues. I realized yesterday that I spent at least 3-4 hours on the internet and that was a public holiday. I decided to retire when I started to feel like my body's aching hence no post yesterday.

Anyway (on the contrary I suppose), I have been looking for ways to make use of weekends. I am starting to feel like the days are going really fast these days. You get up and do some stuffs and the next thing you know, the weekend is over.

I am quite happy to discover that I can actually make money (for my petrol fund :)) from blogging. Social Spark is another social marketing network that can help you make money from writing about your favourite stuffs!

It allows you to tag yourself so advertisers could find you and you can also get paid to write on sponsored posts. Since it is also a social network, Social Spark can be an avenue for you to promote your blog, increasing your network and blog ratings :)

So, while you are already sitting in front of the computers, ignoring those signals that your body's been telling you just because you are an internet junkie like me, join Social Spark and make blogging a profitable hobby!

Like I said, I am a very non tech savvy person so if I can do it, so can you! Join me at --> SocialSpark I'll see you there! :)

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