Sunday, June 8, 2008

What Happens to Stylebytes??

I have always been one of Agathe's biggest fans. She inspired me to start Red-Soles. The abrupt 'termination' of her blog shocked all of us, her fans worldwide. In fact, The Coveted has a dedicated post to analyze the mystery of Agathe's MIA.

Well, I hope this post will remind her that she has fans from all over the world, including this little country called Malaysia (in between Thailand and Singapore), believe it or not.

Agathe, if you happen to google for "What happens to StyleBytes" and stumble upon this humble blog of mine, please come back...

p/s: OK, I am no longer a teenager, in fact in my late 20s so the fact that I am publicly writing this to you, you better buck-up and get back on track! Please.. :(

Well, I am not the only one to be asking this question. Check this out, and this one too. Well, at least unlike others, I am not stalking her on Facebook, Myspace, Phiary etc... :p

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