Tuesday, February 12, 2008

...and the Search Continues

I have been really looking for a cool notebook carrier. I have been quite a rebel at work for refusing to permanently use a laptop as:

Annoying Factor #1 - I always go shopping or hang out after work so having a heavy laptop to carry around is a total burden. Not to mention the fact that is spells "IT GEEK" which is an absolute boys repellant! and, Not in million years would the company buy those small chic laptops (or the totally awesome MacBook Air) that would greatly improve the ergonomics state of their employees hence proving that those Safety as #1 priority campaign is not a total bullshit afterall :D

Annoying Factor #2 - The standard carrying case that comes with the notebook is so uncool. At least if I could find a fabulous bag to chuck it in to, I MAY change my mind. Well, this beauty is slowly crawling it's way up to my mind..

I have also seen some managers carrying (or pulling?) those cabin size trolley bags as well, which is friendlier to the shoulders so I am also thinking of this one:

Or maybe... this one? dammit.. i want all 3 of them!

Stella McCartney for LeSportsac, available to pre-order at LeSportsac.com

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