Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Those Red-Soles

*to own those gorgeous Louboutins, visit

Here's the story.. (taken from The Goddess Guide by Gisele Scanlon):

Why are the soles of your shoes red?
CL: An assistant in the office always used to wear the same colour red lipstick and matching nail polish. One day I asked to borrow it and coated the bottom of a pair of stilletos just to see what it would look like, et voila! I loved the dramatic red colour against the clean line of the shoe. It was the most beautiful red I have ever seen. Now it's my hallmark. The first season I used it, one boutique wouldn't buy the red soles from me and only wanted black, so we delivered black - a few weeks later, after customers protested in horror, the store was screaming for the red ones. It always brought me great luck!

What are your favourite shoes to design?
CL: My signature styles are the towering three-to-four-inch heels but I also design six-inch heels. I call them my 'bed shoes'. They're so high you can only lie down in them

Do you think heels can help a woman bag some bedroom action then?
CL: Clothes make a woman happy but a good heel can give her confidence and a lot of sex appeal, yes!

So ladies, get yourself a copy of The Goddess Guide by Gisele Scanlon for the full interview! It's my 'bible' now ;) - I'll write a review of the book in my next post, so watch this space!

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