Monday, February 4, 2008

Chapter 1 - The Introduction

People who know me would say I get excited quite easily. Facts:
1. I went to a really nice Middle Eastern restaurant, they had belly dancing performance. The next thing I knew, I was downloading Arabic songs. I really wanted to take up the classes - That was Mar 07
2. I fell in love with the French culture. Made some French friends, I thought they're fabulous with those oh-so-sexy accent, no? The next thing I knew, I bought several books on French culture - French Women Don't Get Fat (ok, not exactly French per se) and Paris to the Moon. I then wanted to take up French classes - That was Jan 07
3. I went for a vacation in Austria. They say Austrians are very nature-loving people. The country is unbelievably clean, the air's crisp and the places are Beautiful (with a capital B). I pledged to contribute to the society by holding some campaigns at work for the company to buy recycling bins - That was Oct 07

OK, my point is, I have all these great plans in my life. The problem is, the execution. People say great leaders have vision, they never say great leaders EXECUTE stuffs. So I look at myself as ok-lah.. AT LEAST I have VISION.. right?

OK, OK.. back to my point of writing this whole pointless introduction - I have been having a VISION to re-start a blog (ok, I had a very messy one which ended up being my very very private diary which I loathe til now) and this time, write about something I am actually good at - Fashion, Restaurants, Books, Magazines and Travel reviews - This is Feb (which is FAB!) 08. We shall see how long this lasts!!

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